wohoooooo. 2009 is end and I've onebadmemorie and so many goodmemories in this year hahaha. *begini jadinya kalau inggris ngabal -__-*
check it out
January I spent thelastday of 2008 with my brother and his friend. We made the superyummy barbeque. And we took the photos on the first sunriseee of 2009. It's so damn cool. hahahah. superhappy dan menurut gue itu menjadi awal yang baik untuk tahun ini ;))
What? hemm, I forgot what happened in February -___- yang jelas tidak buruk-buruk amat hahah.
My school mates made the surpriseparty for me oohh I love you all tujuhtigaa. And I went to kinasih to attend ujian wushu IB naik sabuk orange on 7th March. got the superfunny team with Kak Jeff as the leader and complete the mission with sweetkids yang ketakutan haha. then the next morning every one said "HAPPYBIRTHDAY TO YOU"
Happy birthday my beloved MOM. My family goes to kemang to celebrate the party on 14th April. hahahaahahhaah
Mei my mom and I goes to JK-WIR campaign hahahah buseet mak saya gak ngerti gitu. banyak orang woi. then I attend to aldo's birthday party -_____-
Juny happybirthday my brother hahaah. tambah tuaaa sudah menikah ahahah, ayo cepatcepat punya anak ahah. oh happy birthday too my niece wish you all the best ahahahah
IB goes to jogjaaaaaaaa for junior wushu championship on July. screaming shouting and yelling for support my friends. kena marah bapakbapak dari prov lain, took many photos, korekkorek secret, MIDNIGHT UNO-ing and so on.
August got the new friends at my newclass 82. with anakanak superpintar tapi ngelawak terus. Dan Kejurnal IB. Took the photos at Cheeseworld festivaaal, and so on. oh yes. Happy Independence Day for my beloved country aahahhaah :P
Septmbeer is lebaraaaan holiday.Dan saya sedang pemulihan baru keluar dari rumah sakit. ahhahaahahah. owowowow sometimes happend at 9th :P
We are RANning in the rain in the late October. The tarphrodite ultrafun accident that made us crazy geeeeeez. we are camping in the superpewe tent. ended up at hall pintu 8, ate nasigoreng pintu merah. we felt like played in action movie. and thanks to our heroes. oh ya my family celebrate my brother and his wife 1st anniv wohoo.
I've prepared the gift for my brother because it's already November. geeeeeeeezz the superfun party at our cafe haahahah. IT'S BETTER THAT WE BREAK at 23th hahaah (pentingabis diinget)
December time for classmeeting! we are shouting to support our futsal team. spent everysingle time at perpus like a good kid. ahahahha. And the holiday started. we go to Dufan, teriakteriak and so on. the last day of 2009 spent at puncak with IB again. woowoww ultrasuper fun
oooooooooohhmygoshhh 2009 was running sooo fassssssssst. some times I feel too sad if I remember all memories in this year. I feel this is my yeaaaarr and idk why. i heart i like i looveeee every single happenings. but, i'll keep walking. hope this year will be better than 2009.
byebye 2009, i will miss you so damn much.
*p.s : maaf kawan, englishnya abal banget sumpah ahahhaah*
Thnk Over it and be Mature
11 tahun yang lalu
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